So I set about getting the information. It's a little easier if you show up in person at the racing commission office at the track in Florida during a live racing meet. The office will be staffed at that time and ready to provide and process applications.
But if it's the off season, you can find some information at the Florida Department of Business Professional Regulation web site, on the page there for PROFESSIONAL INDIVIDUAL OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE.
Fingerprints are required. You can get fingerprints taken at the local police station, or some cities may have private services listed in the yellow pages.
If you have any kind of criminal background, you will be called to give details about that. If you have been convicted of a felony, you will not get a trainer's license.
If you have never had a trainer's license before, you will have to take some form of test, and in our experience this testing will vary from state to state. You must inquire at the state racing commission office to get testing details. Racing Commission contact details can be found at
You may be wondering about the reason for the stringent requirements of the background check and extensive information required on the trainer license application. This came about when racetracks started hosting casino style gambling. We believe that with the spread of casino gambling at racetracks, the rules of racing and licensing requirements must be standardized nationally.
Thank you for the information. Just a little error, you mentioned that you cannot get a trainer's license in Florida if you have a felony. Florida Department of Business Regulations can still approve your application depending on how long ago is the conviction, plus it's a case by case situation which they review, the same situation applies for contractor licensing.
Thanks for that correction. Also please note that during a Florida racing meet, the stable office will take your fingerprints - you don't have to go to the police station or private business to get them done unless you're applying from out of state and have not had your fingerprints on file in Florida for the last 5 years. Supposedly some racing states will share fingerprints if you apply for a license through Racing Commissioners Intl (RCI) - but not always. So you can see how complicated licensing is and it really should be nationally regulated.
Preparation for your state racing commission test is crucial. I took this home study course and passed the test with a 94% accuracy on my first try...virtually unheard of from what the Racing Secretary told me. I highly recommend this course..only $97 ...vs. $350 for a 3 day course at a racetrack. Less than $100 was a small investment for the convenience of studying at my own pace. Plus I didn't have to travel to a racetrack for classes..the course included videos and study guides with sample tests as well as a business plan, contracts and a guide to running a profitable racing stable. See
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